Friday, November 20, 2009 ♥ 5:26 PM i'm quite pressure lately..until i've got sick ! this is not cool. OOOOkayyy~ =D so tomorrow gonna be the day..Khatam al-quran is held tomorrow at dewan sekolah menengah sayyidina hasan..apaan.hahaha..after it's over one by one has been minus to my schedule that make me we have to focus on something..since choir added 2 more not cool..last minutes? nyeehh~ i'm tired sudah..since soprano just 4-5 people that we have to make more effort on our voice..and now since i'm sick my voice is super addorable's just F***ing y'know with a voice like this, running nose, coughing , temp. rising..until last wednesday i felt like wanna cry at surau..when we wanted to practise's just so lame..during choir my running nose getting worser apa lagi coughing..not stop..and at surau my temp. rising i have to eat some panadol *eat?? drink?? entah whatever you called* haiyoo~ and on thursday i've got MC i was actually refuse to take the MC but my mum forced me to stay at home.. ='( so choir now we gott 5 song..that suppose to be 3 song and has been added 2 more song.. anthem oh guru 3."to sir , with love " 4. anding or bumi putra * but i'm not sure banar this song masuk jua or not* 5.suasana hari raya so yeah that's it.. sajak also getting worse macam2 sja masalah nya..c sumardi also talking like a shit everytime we ask him to practise with us..he'll said " ngalih ku wah" sedangkan nada jua dbuat nya pagi2 udh ngalih ia becrita2 jua gnya..tym free time lagi tym form 4 student was busy having their handball..ia inda jua ikut ia mliat jua gnya and lagi ia ckp "ngalih ku wah" when we ask behapa ia kan ngalih gnya ane.inda jua menjawab ain't that s*** SUMARDI YOU LOOK THE SAME AS YOUR SISTER..macam2 alasan..
Thursday, November 12, 2009 ♥ 7:26 PM since exam is now over after it's been a while like have about 3 weeks exam. can't hold ! and now it's just day 2 after free from exam. but it would be a lie if i'm saying i'm so free and having my relaxing moment after have been more than 3 weeks exam. hello? isn't it should be more exciting moment with chatting, having spa, shopping and whatever. i'm just getting busier after exam.and isn't it suppose to be happier with absent after exam like usual but now believe it or not.. i'm telling you my schedule everyday. as i say this word EVERDAY, wakeup at 5.30 having bath,breakfast and school. arrived school just having chit chat with friends. 8.30 am having our choir until 10.00 am . 10.00am to 11.00am sajak practise . 11.00am to 12.30pm continue with choir . 12.30pm having lunch and everything . 1.30pm to 3.30-4.00 having tahtim practise. so yeah that's it. i'm tired people as you can see i also didn't have my break time at 10am. because i'm so busy..ain't i ? fuh ! okay i'll stop because i don't want to blame anyone though.
Colourful life ![]() Well i dont intend to say much here.i just hope your'e mature enough,to know what's right and wrong.ofcourse i welcome everybody But that doesn't give you the right to be somebody to judge me.This blog belongs 2 me, so i can write whatever i love to.if you dislike it, kindly press on the big [x] i dont mind if you does, if you respect me,i'll respect you.Hope you'll understand spammers and vulgarities lovers and dont pollute my tagboard please , thanks --- fatyn ♥♥♥ Facebook : Click Here ![]() WISH UPON A STAR Life happily with HIM ♥ Wear a barbie doll gown A busket of tee-shirt Trip to korea/japan Room makeover Fan-atics View my page on Kurapak Fan Club
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